Your Business Advantage with Corporate Chiropractic
On-site chiropractic care continues to become more commonplace in today’s corporate environment due to its efficiency and satisfaction among both employees and their employers alike. Corporate Chiropractic and Corporate Chiropractors offer more than just services, it gives momentum towards providing a healthier, happier and more productive work space.
Dr. Kroft's expert diagnostic skills accurately assess mechanical back pain without x-rays. Though nice to use, x-rays will not always be necessary for evaluation. With a mobile equipped practice, we provide unique and easy on-site chiropractic and ergonomic services. Businesses both large and small experience the benefits of chiropractic care on their bottom line.
The Benefits Of On-Site Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Services:
Convenient On-Site Services
Direct access to a chiropractor gives employees the right care they need instantly! The only hassle being accounting for every employee on your team in their off hours. On-site chiropractic spares that hassle and brings the service to you! More saved time and less stress makes for happier employees!
Affordable Rates That Save Your Company Money
More new studies show that chiropractic in the office poses game changing advantages for your staff. With regards to healthcare costs, organizations can expect to save as much as $8 for every $1 spent on conservative chiropractic care. We offer affordable rates and flexible payment options to meet the needs of your business.
Reduce Pain & Stiffness Experienced On The Job
Don’t let your employees’ concentration and performance suffer due to pain. Help them get back on track and in the game with Kroft Chiropractic!
Prevent Injuries Before They Happen
Chiropractic can help employees prevent injury and missed work days. In a survey of 651 Minnesota employees, chiropractic patients were half as likely to miss work compared to medical patients. Keeping your employees happy, healthy and mobile will help them avoid serious accidents, surgery or prescription painkillers.
Reduce Lost Work Time
Next to the common cold, muskuloskeletal pain is the leading cause of work time lost. Less pain and fewer injuries means less time missed from work and fewer workers compensation claims to deal with.
Increase Productivity
It’s not rocket science; happy, healthy, pain-free employees are more productive than miserable ones.
The Numbers Don't Lie; Chiropractic is a Game Changer in The Office
The Utah Study – fewer costs & fewer days lost
The Florida Study – shorter disability, lower costs, lower hospitalization rates
The California Study – Chiropractic patients get back to work sooner
The Oregon Study – Chiropractic care gets employees back to work and fast
The Australian Study – Chiropractic care returned workers with low back pain 4x faster, 4x cheaper and also significantly lowered progression to a chronic low back pain status
The Manga Report – Injured workers diagnosed with low back pain returned to work much sooner when treated by a chiropractor
Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine – Episodes of work- related low back pain have higher disability recurrences when treated by a physical therapist or physician than by a chiropractor