“Is Chiropractic Right for Me?”
If you have never had chiropractic care before, you may be wondering if it will work for you. Think about this very simple answer. Chiropractic care is for anyone who has a spine! Optometrists care for eyes, dentists care for teeth and chiropractors care for spines! Now, everyone knows to have their eyes and teeth checked regularly but not everyone thinks about getting their spine checked! Young adults, elderly folks, kids, infants and toddlers; chiropractic care is for everyone and this is why…
Super Powered, Super Charged!
Have you ever thought about how smart your body is? No matter how sick or how hurt we get, our bodies always seem to bounced back. This is because our bodies have a super intelligent structure called the central nervous system, or CNS. The CNS completely controls every movement and function of our bodies down to the microscopic cell. It consists of the brain, the spinal cord and over 100 billion nerves that branch out from the spinal cord. Those nerves span the entire body to regulate every muscle, organ, tissue, gland and joint in the body. Everything you perceive, everything you touch, feel, see, smell, hear and sense is picked up by those free nerve endings. All that information pertaining to your environment then gets relayed back to the spine. From the spine, the information travels up the spinal cord to the brain. Once in the brain, that information is analyzed, interpreted and stored for immediate and later use. This all occurs over a QUINTILLION times a day as each nerve fires on average 200 times per second! And your brain normally and naturally handles all this information with complete ease! Pretty impressive, right?
Calculated Risks
All of this information exchange occurs with one goal in mind, to better increase your chances of survival. For example, that pan was hot so you shouldn’t touch it again. You smell smoke so something must be on fire. You hear thunder rumbling so you quickly find shelter. You feel your chair tipping backwards so you sit up straight to avoid falling over. These examples are only a drop in the bucket compared to ALL the information your body constantly receives. Day in and day out, your brain continuously determines your best route of survival to keep you alive and healthy. Afterall, your brain really likes it when you stay alive.
The All-Knowing, All-Seeing Brain
However, there is literally an endless flow of information from your body to your brain that you’re completely unaware of. Your brain constantly monitors and regulates the function of every single joint, muscle, organ, gland and cell in your body. Tens of trillions of cell are subconsciously overseen for metabolic function and performance. Your heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, intestines and other organs are all under a strict 24/7 surveillance for any mishaps or damage. Every joint and muscle of your musculoskeletal system constantly informs your brain of your position, your posture, how fast you’re moving and how well your mechanics work. Though this seems complicated, the brain has evolved to naturally handle these processes, ensuring well balanced, normal function and performance.
The Energy Within Us All
As for any abnormalities perceived during this endless flow of near infinite information, they’re quickly addressed and corrected. Your brain naturally sends energy signals back down the spine and out the nerves to correct your posture, destroy cancerous cells, regulate your blood pressure, release digestive enzymes, turn on inflammation, turn off inflammation or any other of the hundreds of physiological processes necessary for life. Chiropractors refer to this transmission of energy as innate intelligence. Chinese medicine refers to this energy as Qi (pronounced as ‘Chi’). Scientifically, this energy is the chain-lightning effect of neurons discharging electrical currents along their axons from synapse to synapse. Those currents follow neurons from the brain clear across the body to activate or inhibit function. Chiropractic care is all about keeping those currents alive and free of interference. Now who couldn’t use more of that in their body?
Poor posture, injuries, lifts, twists and falls can all subluxate the vertebra of the spine that house the spinal cord. When vertebra subluxate, the nerves that branch out from the spinal cord can become pinched between those subluxated vertebrae. Now the brain-body axis communication experiences interference until the subluxation is corrected. Some subluxations can be subtle and unnoticed. Some subluxations can be painfully obvious with radiation down the arm or leg. It’s our job as chiropractors to find those subluxations and correct them!
What Chiropractors Do
Chiropractors optimize patients’ health by keeping their neural conduction free of interference. We don’t treat disease. We don’t cure sickness. We find and mobilize fixated joints in the spine to free up the connection between brain and body. We increase the maximum potential for the body to heal itself as nature has intended for millions of years. It really is that simple; chiropractic is for everyone.
If you’ve wondered whether chiropractic care is right for you, I hope now you realize that, YES, it is! If you’re experience any neck, back or low back pain, schedule an appointment with your chiropractor for an exam today. Reclaim the full function of your body and your health. Don’t let your health become impaired from unnecessary interference. Get adjusted, preserve your health and get back to life with chiropractic care!